Show and Tell

OK, on the more comic things done recently (and by recently, finished at 6am this morning recently) I finished my 10 (well 7 really - the other 3 didn’t work out well) biblical plagues place cards for the passover dinner tomorrow night. We have 29 people coming (awkward since my wife just had her ACL repaired, so can’t really stand to help cook!) anyway, decided this year to 3D print place “cards” that are plagues in 3D (figured it’s A. fun and B. we have lots of kids coming). So here you go: Blood, Boils, Darkness (note the shadow falling on pyramid), death of the first born (that’s a 1), frogs, death of livestock and locust! blood is a nice transparent, and the drop is hollow so looks really cool.

Darkness is tough to see that it’s a pyramid with a shade over it. Here it is in overhead light (like in our dining room and side light so you can see)