Thank you, @marmak3261! If you’re wanting to check into the “Luxury Hotel Suite”, it is now in a private collection. You will have to check with the new owner regarding vacancy. Here is another pic of the bathroom. Somewhere I have a pic of the adjoining bedroom, but I can’t find it… I’ll keep looking.
Wow…I keep staring at the one alongside the battery just not believing its so small!!! Beautiful!
Somewhere between watchmaker and particle physics.
Magnificent detail.
Thank you for showing us!
@info4, beautiful papercraft. Competes against anything I’ve seen.
Your pottery rocks too! And if that’s your photograph, you can claim that as a skill also.
Thanks for that insight into you!
Home made kickwheel pottery wheel and the stuff I made on it!! Everything from scratch except the head. I made this a year ago and screwed my hands up since from doing it too much so I can’t do it anymore. But man, I love doing it.
thatsss soooo smallll…
That is stunning, intricate, beautiful work! Don’t be at all nervous to show that here. It’s beautiful and detailed and … TINY.
Jeremy! That is so cool!
Your work is killer. do you sell that stuff? Deep experience with glaze I see.
Pro work man, on a machine of your making!
I played with enameling, and a little with glazing greenware, but never threw my own clay.
Very impressive man.
A particular affinity for the kick wheel!
Thanks dude, what took you so long? Your as bad as @karaelena,
Pottery looks like fun! (i know it’s a lot harder than it looks though). Those look just like the ones I paid a bundle for at craft fairs. Great job!
Gorgeous pottery, @JeremyNielsen
It’s a shame you have to cut back. It’s really quite lovely.
Thanks guys!! It’s honestly a blast to do! If you ever have a chance to take a class, do it!!
Thanks! Yes, my photography as well.
Those are fantastic - thought it was a real hotel room with real luggage.
Nice! Love the glaze combo on the mug (second to last photo)
Very nice! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks! Its one of the few I kept. Definitely one of my favorites.
Your pieces are fantastic!!
I said I was not going to post to this thread as everyone is SO talented and I am not artistic at all. I have had second thoughts on that and maybe some of you appreciate the occasional function over form.
This is the knife sharpener I invented/discovered and is now selling on Etsy. It is nothing to swoon over ascetically but it works amazingly well.
What is the length of the porcelain?
(in inches please, my culture decided to take a left…)
Beautiful, such small scale work always amazes me!!!
The ceramic is 3.75", this seems a bit short but with the conical shape it works amazingly well.
Nice work, Jeremy. Good color pics. Where did you fire them?