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that’s nice :slight_smile: can you show us the inside as well +love the ‘bonus’ space to put the gf on

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Sure like your cabinet, I don’t have the room for something like this. Anyway I like my Carvewright and your right it’s a bit noisy and I have mine on a cabinet with wheels and I roll it outside to do my carving. Since I live in California and the weather is usually nice I’m able to work with not much of a problem. I’m in the process of making room in my garage for the Carvewright and my Glowforge when I get it. I also got involved in copper wire inlay to pass the time until the Glowforge gets here. Here are a few samples

projects I have done.


Sure thing @Clone I did think ahead to take 2 quick videos with my phone of the inside since I will hopefully never see the inside again :wink:


Love the inlay work. I wish I had your climate. Minnesota only offers me a few months of outside work and wanted to do this stuff year-round. Hence the box.

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Love this!! Very well done. Sounds like it really cuts down on the sound!!

@dan I would be curious to see what rough decibel the GF runs at! (With and without filter ideally) Just a thought!


Excellent use of that valuable work space.
I swear, I have gotten as much satisfaction configuring my work space as I do from the projects.

Good you took a picture as you set it up, the times it will look so clean will probably be few and far between :wink:
You’re going to have great area for layout and assembly! :sunglasses:
Thank you for sharing that with us!


I love that (Humming?) bird! Very fluid, just like the creature!
That dark wood really makes it snap!

I have a piece of burl black walnut that I have been saving for years. Just haven’t had something slap me with inspiration - yet, but the 'forge will figure prominently when it does strike.
Thanks for contributing!


This is what I’ve been working on in the last 2 months.

Basically I got rid of the GT2 belts. Switched to R&P on the X axis. Then lead screws Y. Raised the Z Axis. More powerful NEMA 23s all the way around. Power coated the new plates.


Impressive capability. In house end to end fabrication, sweet!
Very nice work, I know you will have fun with that. Thanks for sharing!

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Very cool. Would love to have access to equipment like that.

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Looks like the red brackets were powder coated. What did you use for an oven?

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I would love to build that iPad stand for myself , able to share plans?




Unfortunately, I don’t have plans for it. They were made manually, using a bunch of custom router jigs that we made to cut all the parts out in multiple operations.

Obi Wan Kenobi magnets can be ordered in bulk online. (yes, I know that’s not how to spell

Amazon searching works well:

Or not:


Thank you for the links!

Here’s the new machine in action.


I think this would be cool to have or make.


That’s why I bought the Glowforge. You too?
