Silicone watchbands - settings

Can anyone recommend settings for engraving silicone watchbands?

At the top of every forum page is a search icon, click that and type in “silicone watch” and you’ll get a bunch of results, many provide settings - although there’s no one “best” setting. It depends on the particular band you have.

Not being snarky, but learning to search here will unlock many existing discussions on common materials and such. You also should have read thru the Working With Manual Mode page in the support section, under Learn/Learn by Doing/Tips & Tricks. That will allow you to test many non-standard materials to determine what works for the material you have.


Welcome to the forum.

We can only discuss settings for non Proofgrade materials in the Beyond the Manual section of the forum. As previously noted, using the search function will help you find discussions specific to your questions.

Although you will find lots of suggested settings, it is important to learn how to test settings for new materials so that you can learn how to best use your machine for your projects. Many of us use test templates to dial in our settings. This post may be useful to you: Common problems/questions


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