Recent versions Inkscape have several Hershey fonts to choose from too.
OK so a little work later and I installed a bunch more too.
Here’s the specimen image:
It’s a bit of a process to install these in inkscape.
Before we get started, this is inkscape 1.4. It may work in other versions but I can’t promise you anything. Make backups before you do any of this.
OK then!
First download the fonts from github:
Then you move the font files to the folder. For PC it’s
C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions\svg_fonts
Maybe some mac person can tell me where they live on Mac side.
Then you can restart inkscape and use them immediately by typing in the font names in the special text entry field for user-added fonts. Or… you can modify the hershey extension to add them to the dropdown. To do that:
Go to C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions
Edit hershey.inx
In there you’ll find the dropdown for hershey fonts starting around line 20. It’s standard HTML option elements.
I rebuilt the dropdown list and replaced my existing dropdown with the following:
<option value="EMSBird" translatable="no">EMS Bird</option>
<option value="EMSBirdSwashCaps" translatable="no">EMS Bird Swash Caps</option>
<option value="EMSBrush" translatable="no">EMS Brush</option>
<option value="EMSCapitol" translatable="no">EMS Capitol</option>
<option value="EMSCasualHand" translatable="no">EMS Casual Hand</option>
<option value="EMSDecorousScript" translatable="no">EMS Decorous Script</option>
<option value="EMSDelight" translatable="no">EMS Delight</option>
<option value="EMSDelightSwashCaps" translatable="no">EMS Delight Swash Caps</option>
<option value="EMSElfin" translatable="no">EMS Elfin</option>
<option value="EMSFelix" translatable="no">EMS Felix</option>
<option value="EMSHerculean" translatable="no">EMS Herculean</option>
<option value="EMSInvite" translatable="no">EMS Invite</option>
<option value="EMSLeague" translatable="no">EMS League</option>
<option value="EMSLittlePrincess" translatable="no">EMS Little Princess</option>
<option value="EMSMistyNight" translatable="no">EMS Misty Night</option>
<option value="EMSNeato" translatable="no">EMS Neato</option>
<option value="EMSNixish" translatable="no">EMS Nixish</option>
<option value="EMSNixishItalic" translatable="no">EMS Nixish Italic</option>
<option value="EMSOsmotron" translatable="no">EMS Osmotron</option>
<option value="EMSPancakes" translatable="no">EMS Pancakes</option>
<option value="EMSPepita" translatable="no">EMS Pepita</option>
<option value="EMSQwandry" translatable="no">EMS Qwandry</option>
<option value="EMSReadability" translatable="no">EMS Readability</option>
<option value="EMSReadabilityItalic" translatable="no">EMS Readability Italic</option>
<option value="EMSSociety" translatable="no">EMS Society</option>
<option value="EMSSpaceRocks" translatable="no">EMS Space Rocks</option>
<option value="EMSSwiss" translatable="no">EMS Swiss</option>
<option value="EMSTech" translatable="no">EMS Tech</option>
<option value="HersheyGothEnglish" translatable="no">Hershey Goth English</option>
<option value="HersheyGothGerman" translatable="no">Hershey Goth German</option>
<option value="HersheyGothItalian" translatable="no">Hershey Goth Italian</option>
<option value="HersheySans1" translatable="no">Hershey Sans 1</option>
<option value="HersheySansMed" translatable="no">Hershey Sans Medium</option>
<option value="HersheyScript1" translatable="no">Hershey Script 1</option>
<option value="HersheyScriptMed" translatable="no">Hershey Script Medium</option>
<option value="HersheySerifBold" translatable="no">Hershey Serif Bold</option>
<option value="HersheySerifBoldItalic" translatable="no">Hershey Serif Bold Italic</option>
<option value="HersheySerifMed" translatable="no">Hershey Serif Medium</option>
<option value="HersheySerifMedItalic" translatable="no">Hershey Serif Medium Italic</option>
<option value="TwinSans" translatable="no">Twin Sans</option> ```
Feel free to take this dropdown and use it, but be sure that you've installed all the listed fonts or Inkscape might get upset with you if you try to use them. I really don't know what it would do, it may range from using the default font to crashing outright.
Restarted Inkscape, and now I have lots more single stroke fonts to use. This is a nice upgrade.