So I kinda love Halloween a lot, but cutting out large complicated things is pretty hard on my hands. I knew one of my very first tests would have to be something like this, but I couldn’t find a file I loved. I took some vector art I made for my flash games a long time ago and spent an evening modifying it to be suitable for this use. It is not realistic and you could definitely pack the pieces tighter. I was just using an old box and wanted to test it as fast as possible, lol
The skeleton is intended to be cut out of corrugated cardboard, and assembled with glue and a little brown paper tape over joints and elsewhere for strength as needed. I plan to paint this and use a very strong velcro on the joints to stick it together. For a six-foot skelly, scale the image to about 19 inches in the Glowforge. There are three layers, set the box to ignore (it’s for messing with scale), the outline to cut, and the inner lines to score.
The detail on the pieces is just meant to give me a rough idea of what to paint, not really to show up in the final piece. The circles with lines on them (sticking off the joint areas) are added bits to make sure I have room for the velcro, though you could remove them if you are going to use the pieces in another way.
You should be able to assemble it from the graphic I have added. The upper leg bone is two pieces because I wanted a six-foot skeleton. The only weird bit of assembly is that the collar bones should slide over the ribs while the shoulder blades go in behind, there are markings to show it’s lined up so you can glue it. Because of that, you can’t make this out of wood without altering the file. This was just the easiest solution to get the scale I wanted out of the Glowforge and its fine for paper and cardboard.
Ooops, sorry! The skull was missing in the zip file, I have added it.
Skeleton (1.6 MB)