When my father passed away last Thanksgiving, I made a promise to my mother that I would help her travel and reunite with relatives in the Philippines while she is still physically to fly. I wish that meant my mother can actually fly, and it just means flying on a plane :)/
2025 is the year that I make it happen. I have never been there, nor have I met the vast amount of uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. She grew up with 7 other sisters and 2 brothers, so I expect the amount of cousins I meet may well be over 100.
For little gifts of appreciation, I’ve been creating some fridge magnets, leather patches, and acrylic bubble wands. This is the point where I turn to the community to help me refuel my creative well of small project designs.
I don’t know which state you’re coming from, but keychains with things like state name, bird, flower, etc, engraved on them. Or maybe using the heat press material to make shirts or zippered pencil cases with touristy stuff on them. Ornaments with the family name on them, or again, something your area is famous for. Small picture frames with your family photo in it, maybe decorated with a verse of scripture or something. Maybe a small travel game or playing cards holder.
But, I’d say you should definitely bring snacks that are harder to purchase there. For example, chocolates are always a hit. My friends tell me that American candies like KitKat are sold in Philippines, but at American prices, so it’s hard to buy. California has See’s candy, which is popular.
Soaps, hand lotions, etc are always nice.
In Japan, Trader Joe’s shopping bags are popular here…i don’t know why…a friend brought me one. And i literally just had a friend’s kid visit the other day and they packed us a ton of traders joes snacks, like chocolate covered pretzels and pistachios, fig bars, etc.
I would look for choclates that woukd stand up to heat. M&Ms comes easily to mind but I woukd look for others, or pack them carefully. Coasters and incense bases can be easily cut and packed. I would also spray adhesive decorated paper to cardboard to make custom boxes for the designed stuff for adults as I think that it would make it appreciated more than such thoughts in the US.
I agree with the keychain idea. The ones in the shape of old fashioned hotel keys are really popular. And some littler designs (like maybe earring designs) can be used as handbag charms if you add a lobster claw clasp. I make those for my gals all the time. They could also be used for book bags for kids that are in school.
Since it’s a family reunion, doing things with relationships like “Auntie” and “Cousin” so the people you’re gifting it to have an easy way to remember that new guy from the States Maybe even with your email/contact info on it as a way to connect.
If you know in advance you could even do tiny family tree branches showing how you connect to people (so you, your mom, your aunt, then her kids, etc.)
I will also be trying to some genealogy investigation. My aunt as been trying to do some research with my dad’s ancestors there, but the main records and documents in the area got destroyed in a fire. It will be a fun goal and I love that you brought up the family tree.
I would definitely go with something useful instead of decorative. How often does someone look at a picture on a wall or a knick knack on a desk or shelf? But how often does someone look at their key chain or their coffee coozie?
Is that what it’s called? Coffee coozie? Anyways, I have cold hands, so I prefer holding the cup directly to warm myself.
@Brandon.B I like that organizer. I’ve been wanting to put one in my entry way, but I need to figure out how to hang something without drilling holes because I couldn’t find a stud in my entryway wall and it’s covered in wall paper, so I’m afraid adhesive would just rip it off.
I’m not sure how religious your family is, but 100% of my Filipino friends are Catholic. I’ve bought this engrave file from Etsy before, and it shrinks down really nice to bookmark size, so maybe something like Bible bookmarks or incense holders?
I still really think small picture frames with your family’s picture in them will be a nice gift, especially if you engrave the Space Needle and the word Seattle on them.
And let us know how the trip goes, my friends are from all over the Philippines, so every time I hear about it, it’s so different from the last description I heard.
I’ve been afraid of damaging the walls, so I’ve been using a good amount of lower tack velcro stips on the wall, and then went through in my junk drawer for superglue, magnets, and other strips. I pretty much threw in everything and crossed my fingers, which has worked for a couple years now. I’ve tried using drywall hooks and learned my lesson of not wearing a glove (saving us from any gory details lol). it’s embarrassing, but meh, it’s a good thing if it can help others.
I love the bookmarks idea! Easy to make and bring without adding bulk. They are all Catholics so I’m sure they will love them.
This will be my first time going. We’re going deep into the country area where my Mom grew up. I have cousins that I didn’t even know about messaging me about coming. Hopefully, I can share a different insight and first-time experience. So far, I already feel the warm welcomes.