⛄ Snowman earrings

Love them. So cute.

Cute… Thank you :slight_smile:

Are you using hardwood? Despite the name, it isn’t strong enough for earrings. Try some of the plywood instead. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! I made some out of clear frosted acrylic and engraved the bodies to make them show up more white. I made them 1.5" tall each and also used some paint pens and painted the scored parts and they came out real cute!Snowmen


Very cute. :blush:

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Better than anything I’ve made! That’s awesome

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Thank you for sharing

These are really cute! Thank you

I’m feeling really stupid. Can you identify which layers are cut, score, and engrave? It looks like the parts that should be engraved (eyes, mouth, scarf) are cutting with the outside. Thanks

I went in and changed colors on the individual parts to be able to get it to cut, score and engrave on mine the way I wanted.

Luv them in acrylic too

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Stinkin" Cute!! Thanks

So cute! Thank you!

What settings did you use for these ? Super cute

The original poster will probably get back to you, but settings are material specific and have nothing much to do with the design. If the designer didn’t use Proofgrade material to make these, the settings can only be discussed in the Beyond the Manual section. If these were made with Proofgrade material, then Proofgrade settings were probably used.