Yes. Doctor Who is a British TV show that’s been on since 1963. They came up with the premise of having the main character “regenerate” to explain casting changes. The sonic screwdriver is a mcguffin to allow the writers to get out of sticky situations - and every so often “THE Doctor” loses, damages or otherwise replaces his. (or when they lose/break the prop…)
It’s a nice collection - including the TARDIS keys, but where are the sonic sunglasses?
My daughter’s best friend would love this. She got a sonic screwdriver for Christmas…when my friend told me that’s what she got her daughter…I admit…I was quite confused.
Yes, though it requires installing a free addon: Outline To SVG
The SVGs pull into Inkscape or Illustrator at 0.001 scale, regardless of whether you’ve got your Blender unit set to meters or millimeters, so you always have to scale up your imported design by 1000. (Haven’t tried modeling with the scale set to inches, so I’ve no idea what it does in that case.) But that’s a minor annoyance that’s greatly outweighed by being able to design 3D objects in 3D.
At first I thought it was a collection of old dentist drills, thinking @shipbrook might be some kind of masochist ( no judgement here, to each his own).
Then I figured it was Dr Who related because of the Police call box, the chronometer and the T (TARDIS) key, yet I had no idea what a sonic screwdriver was.
Pip boy
Mini Nuke
Laser cut clock kit
I’d swear something from the original Dune
Can’t put my finger on the item next to the clock
Some light sabers
Something with some vacuum tubes
Correct on the PIP-Boy, laser-cut clock kit, and tricorder. The “Mini Nuke” is a Nuka-Cola pistol (though the fins make it a good guess); the “something from the original Dune” is Ensign Peanut Hamper from Star Trek: Lower Decks; on top with the clock is Nomad from Star Trek and some vintage microphones; the “light sabers” are universal translators, also from Star Trek; and the “vacuum tubes” are Nixie tubes, part of a prop I made for a music video.
I used to love spotting what the props were made from in the Star Trek movies. I think it was in “Search For Spock,” where we noticed the thing (can’t think of what it’s called - a scepter?) that the new Captain of the Enterprise carried was actually the handle of a tennis racket! And of course, in the original series, the use of salt shakers, etc., for communicators, etc. Love it!
You have a very cool collection, even if I don’t know what some of them are!