Spreadsheet for Non-Proofgrade Materials

Try this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/16ubokABKFv1iDbJebdOo7LFP0XtG334NWiiLUoDsKfs/htmlview?fbclid=IwAR1-_-VywGqvRs5Ia67_-iPUus762M9niFRMuaoPtWPXFXWUxrPsussToK4

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Does anyone know if there has been a spreadsheet created for the Aura? Has anyone started one?

Not that I’ve heard about. You could start one and let everyone add stuff for a while which is what happened with the original one :slight_smile:


I actually came here to ask the same thing. Unfortunately I’m not sure how to go about creating a spreadsheet for people to add items to.

Here you go - you can add more settings here, and anyone who has the link can edit as well: