My wife plays a ST:TNG based RPG and she has her own ship (naturally, she’s the captain ). As a Christmas gift for a friend she created a dedication plaque. She made sure to research the canon to have the format and content correct (of course). She already has a 6’x3’ cross-section poster of her ship as well.
Pictures are after the initial print and then after spray painting. Her friend was ecstatic with the final result!
This would look great in Brass etched with Ferric Chloride.
Take a brass plate, Rub with scotchbrite 00, paint with Krylon Maxx Matte black.
Use the laser remove areas of the Krylon you want to be recessed (Black) 2 passes probably for best results. Lighty buff the etch with scotchbrite 00. Etch with Ferric Chloride. Use acetone to remove the paint resist. Spray a light coat of black again and squeegie off the excess. Let dry and Sand off the excess paint with 400-800 sandpaper on a flat sanding block.
@GrooveStranger - we started playing a published scenario that had the PCs on the USS Niwen. We found it awkward to say, so it became “Niven” to us. Took some liberties as the original published adventure was written for TOS era when we wanted to play TNG era. Ship was originally a Chandley class, but ours is a Nebula.
…and this is probably WAAY more info than you actually wanted.