Testing the ability to engrave a mini rolling pin to use for baking cookies. This mini rolling pin can be found here.
I always seem to use Star Wars in my prototypes and testing, so of course I used the Rebels and Empire logos. I made a little stand to keep it in place with the crumb tray removed, and would be happy to share if anyone wants it. Now, it looks like I’ll need to bake some cookies.
I just got a rolling pin in the mail for this purpose and was waiting for some sort of inspiration as to what to put on as a repetitive pattern, I was thinking of barbed wire but then couldn’t think of an instance where I would want barbwire cookies. I dig this. Maybe R2-D2 and BB8
Great project What does the pattern look like on the material being rolled out? do you need to manipulate the images? like stretch or shrink them in the vertical to make say a circle on the cylinder make a circle on the dough?