Hi, I recently set up a MakerSpace on our school campus. I’m looking for STEM project ideas using the Glowforge. Anyone have any that they would like to share?
Looking for projects for grades 3-5 and 6-8. thanks
Hi, I recently set up a MakerSpace on our school campus. I’m looking for STEM project ideas using the Glowforge. Anyone have any that they would like to share?
Looking for projects for grades 3-5 and 6-8. thanks
Luckily you’re not the first teacher type here!
Dig around in Search results for 'teacher #everything-else' - Glowforge Owners Forum
You’ll want to read the answers, as a lot of the topics started with questions.
Also - check out @theroar84’s stuff. SO many projects:
Glowforge also has a lot of projects in their education section. Some of them are free, others you may need to buy the patterns in the catalog, but they come with lesson plans I believe:
Thank you!! Will do!
Thank you! Much Appreciated!!
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