Support First Responders

I am a Retired Disabled Army Combat Veteran and a Former First Responder (Police Officer, Paramedic, and Volunteer Fire Fighter).

During this time of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we should thank each and every Front-Line Responder, Police Officers, Medics, Fire Fighters, and Hospital Medical Staff.

I am offering four different crosses, each with the insignia of the Front-Line Responders. Those who purchase them can keep them and remember the responders or give them as a thank you gift to a First-Line Responder.

Help us to thank all our First-Line Responders.

Thank you and God Bless!

These are $20 Each, $10 will go toward buying lunches and dinners for First Responders.


Great design, I hope you sell a lot of them. The first responders have been the most exposed to the danger from this war.