They have a tiny circuit board which gives them two modes: all on and a short chase. They have a pretty low power draw and I knew I could make something cool with them.
So I did…
The box is 3 inches tall and covered in blue washi paper.
The walls are 1/8 clear acrylic, which gets painted black after the sides are cut out (it’s a standard MakerCase box). I take the painted sides and engrave a design into the paint.
The electronics include a button, a usb connector, a 100K resister and the weird LED stick. Right now it’s a blobby bunch of glue, but I will make something nicer in the future.
Once the electronics are in and the box is assembled, it’s time to wrap it in Washi paper. I cut out a set of panels for the top and bottom, and one more that wraps all the way around. When the box is off it looks like this:
That is so cool! I heard the Tardis whooshing sound in my head with the chasing lights on
Thanks for the construction details and all the photos - nice to see the behind the scenes of the build!
That is super cool. I always find myself wanting to do things like this, but I have no desire to do the electronic part of it…and that’s the cool part. I will just admire from afar.