Tested Gets a Glowforge - Second Pre-Release Unit in the Wild

I was amused at his “great amazement” of the two cameras and their functionality, for being a consultant to Glowforge for several months. :smirk:


Mounting it on the Y carriage means all the mirrors except the last one move with it, which makes the alignment easier and you can enclose all the beam and optics except the jump to the X carriage. The downside is more moving mass plus cooling pipes and high voltage cables that all have to flex.

The tube won’t mind moving fast, it will only feel the acceleration, which is probably low due to the mass of it and the gantry.


Plus, if the laser is moving - space-time is slowed therefore increasing the perceived life of the laser. Granted, by a very small amount :wink: These GF guys think of everything.


well he is an actor (if not a great one) too!


Metaphysical paradox alert!

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I see the software issues popping up, but to me it says that the engraving and cutting already works fine, and that’s what I care about. The image trace gets the most attention and I get that because it’s a big gimmicky selling point, but I’ll literally never use it. The fact that it’s currently getting a lot of tweaking says to me that the core cut/engrave functionality is pretty much flawless, which is a great sign.


For a consultant, he didn’t seem to know much about the product.


I think hes probably more of a PR consultant =P


I think a lot of his ignorance was staged for the sake of the review. He was playing the dupe and the other guy was playing the salesman. It may be on the internet, but it is still television at heart and among many other things, Adam is an entertainer!


My heart goes out to your software developers. I worked in robotics just long enough to realize how much the 3D world and I do not get along. The whole point of being a software developer is that I get to create my own little world with its own rules - I build models of reality until people interact with those so much that the models become reality itself. I try not to let little things like physics and chemistry interfere with the quality of my work :sunglasses:

So, a huge THANK YOU for building a product for customers like me who are happy to leave all that stuff up to you guys.


If there is another delay in the ship date, I fear I shall have to cancel my open invitation laser Christmas party. Jack, who tends the gardens and Lucy who roams the streets (no one knows her real name), both RSVP’d - that’s double last year attendance. We were going to laser chestnuts…


Here is a little more Glowforge talk at Tested:

Video should be queued up at the start of the discussion. Note nearly as exciting as the Hands-On, but still interesting to hear.


1hr 45 mins in


Shoot, guess the queued link does not hold on the forum. Thanks for posting the time stamp.

If you pause the youtube video, hit the “share” button (curved arrow), click the checkbox next to “start at”, and then copy the shortlink just above the “start at” checkbox, it should work.

edit: yes, that seems to work.


Did that, even tested the link. All seemed good… I had thought I was successful on the forum with them before. Not sure why it failed this time.

Alors, qui peut-on blâmer? Pas toi, évidemment, alors… bien ce doit être la faute de youtube.

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Not trying to pass the blame. It was obviously my fault, just not sure why it did not work. Thanks for posting the correct link.

I know my name is VERY French, sadly I only took one semester back in college. It came back to bite me when we took a trip to Paris and as soon as someone would read my name I would get “the look” when I could only fumble through a few words. Was still a wonderful trip however!


whoops :flushed:

When I was 4, we lived in France (blurb book here). I went to French pre-school. I also spent the first half of 8th grade living in a semi-restored french medieval village (blurb book here) and attending French public school. The result of which is that I have a very convincing french accent when I speak french, and french filler-language comes easily to mind. It confuses French people, because my actual vocabulary is relatively small, and most American’s don’t learn French… but I can hem and haw, and sound like a native-speaker.

Note: For the book based on the story my mom told 4-year-old me on the plane ride home (and illustrated by her as well), look here.


Some of my mother’s relatives speak little or no English (French Canadians). I feel bad that after a year of French in high school and a year in college, I can’t hold a conversation with them.

I visited Ukraine for two weeks in college as part of an exchange program (around 1992). I learned several words and a few phrases. With my then thick Maine accent speaking my very limited phrases, multiple people told me I sounded like I had a specific regional accent that no one else in my group sounded like.