The goats' slate

You do great work. My goat, Buster, a dwarf says hello :slight_smile:


Would you share the settings for how you got the white so white? This is great. My slate engraves come out very greyish


So same settings as other posts (not in beyond the manual, so wont post settings), but the key is a thin coating of outdoor grade spray shellac

I’m not aware of an “outdoor” grade shellac. The ones I know of are all indoor. Can you share the brand that you are using? Is it a true shellac?

The sign looks awesome and I’d love to be able to make something similar!

I use spray to get an even finish. On the can it mentions outdoor use (and yes, it is real Shellac):

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I will add this information from this shellac manufacturer:
"Many myths cloud the emergence and prominence of shellac after the appearance of nitro cellulose. One chief legend states shellac is not waterproof. Shellac, just as many other finishes, is not waterproof, however, it is quite water resistant. Shellac can easily withstand water for about 4 hours. Even if the surface is not wiped, the resulting faint white stain will still fade away as it dries. "



:boom: ? hmmm

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I wondered about that too… Certainly would take care of the surface! And you’d get a real bang out of its appearance!

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Hi. I didn’t see it in the comments above, so pardon me if I’m just missing it… But can you share your settings for this (if you saved them)? It looks so amazingly crisp and clear. I have tried a few slate coasters, and every one of them comes out slightly different. Thanks!

All settings information has to be kept in the Beyond the Manual section for legal purposes. Plenty of information on slate though:

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Thank you! (Strange to me that settings would need to be in a specific section, but good to know; still learning here.)

Cautious lawyers. :smile:

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As someone who grew up in 4-H and raised market goats, I like this a lot. Very well done! I’m a big fan of how slate looks when you give it a few coats of clear before engraving. The higher contrast really makes whatever you engrave pop.

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I bet this is not actually any sort of legal defense. It’s been tried in the healthcare space and wasn’t protective.

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Comically the preview of the beyond the manual post shows the settings of course…


Yeah, but that’s legal. (I know, I know.) :joy:

I originally read this as “I’ve been tried…” and was really worried until I got it straight in my head. :sweat_smile:


I have been tried and sentenced to my job in healthcare…