The goats' slate

Sorry, couldn’t think of a slate pun for the title. The owner of the farm where our goats live wanted signs for the goat’s pen and the chicken coop, for the kids who visit the farm (riding camp and daily visitors). I decided I would work on the goat one first. Since the whole place has a nice natural vibe, we decided slate (after he saw my slate place cards) would make a nice look. So on Amazon I found a large 12x16" slate board.

I put shellac on it and layered away. It looks incredible in person (hard to photograph).

the boys:

There is crazy, and then there is goat crazy…


You might have found one of the few goat proof materials. I’ll bet they would at least give it a taste though.


I just glanced at the title and I knew immediately who had posted this.


so you shellac it before you engrave it??


I now know goats are immune to poison ivy. Lucky

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I am, too. I have always been grateful. :slight_smile:


This does seem to be the most current approach to engraving slate. It’s slate of the art.

You knew that was slated to happen …


It was more lack of a slate & goat pun…

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Very crisp engraving of information.

It is my understanding that they can be very good for clearing Kudzu as well climbing as good as the Kudzu.

A slate I definitely Approve of.

People can be immune to poison Ivy the same way according to Gibbons.


My sister (oldest of 5) would break out from it by looking at it…and would scream that what I was rolling around in was the devil weed but never affected me. Wish it worked that way with some in-laws… :sunglasses:


Hahaha! Accurate from my perception!

@henryhbk, I had always wondered about those pupils, interesting evolutionary adaptation.
Nice job on the slate :+1:

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Pretty much any vegetation you want turned into poop, that’s their specialty…


They most especially love blackberry vines. I have no idea how they manage to eat them without turning their mouths into bloody pulp.

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Ah, I see. I wasn’t trying to get your goat.

In any case, it looks like a faun slate project. Completely unforegoatable.


I’ve never had it (or poison sumac, or poison oak: think they all share the same chemical reaction, urishiol) and I’m pretty sure that I should have had it at some point, considering my childhood and adult experiences of being in the outdoors.

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Or vehicle interiors (don’t leave the door open). Or wiring insulation. Or… < insert about anything except slate here >

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The really rough case is fortunately very freeze sensitive but where it is found it is extremely treacherous with its very pretty generic shiny green leaves, many folk did it up to plant in their gardens before discovering it is reported to be a thousand times as potent as Poison Ivy. The clear sap quickly dries to black and that is the only certain distinguishing feature aside from the crazy skin reactions, and while the slightest damage reveals the black sap, very young plants may not show that yet.

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Me either, but I’m more careful since becoming a nurse and finding out that repeated exposure can actually MAKE you allergic. (Allergies work backwards from immunity, unfortunately.) As a teen I used to make bouquets of poison ivy to tease my friends who were allergic. My mom, on the other hand, breaks out if she’s near smoke from a fire with poison ivy in it.