The Obligatory Escutcheon

Very glowie! :sunglasses::+1:

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I’m ashamed that it’s taken me four days to do my PRU (proper release unit) escutcheon… I’ve actually kept the machine busy making a 15" high pair of praying hands rather than the more important things. But here’s my addition to the fabulous rings of fun :slight_smile:

I considered ‘forging’ instead of ‘blazing’, but decided that was far too obvious, corny and not nearly as dramatic! I’ve used the maple veneer and had to up the power/slow the speed to get the fine lines to mark. Unfortunately, I didn’t quite do it enough as some of the fine lines seem to have just broken the surface coating rather than scorching the wood (see the Y for example). Fonts used - Old Construction Caps and Photographer Pro.


Very cool, and I love the font choice! (Also the “Since 2018”)! :smile:


Yeah, the last one…

GLOWFORGE needs to ‘borrow’ that Motto.
Hey @dan, you listening !?

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We are very excited to have our Pro at school. We spent the first few weeks learning to use it and engraving student artwork with scans of their hand-drawn images. Today, I finally got to making our escutcheon. Our school is called Watkinson School, and the logo is a thumb print, for the individualized education each child receives. We have named our 'Forge Watty (for the Watkinson Glowforge) so here is our first run at an escutcheon (PG Maple).


Very cool! :grinning:

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Cool - I’m just north of Hartford (but work in the city - such as it is). Nice to see another CT GF owner.

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Is there any way we can have all our escutcheons in one gallery?


I was going for the traditional Stargate idea at first, but as I was standing next to the button, waiting for it to finally start glowing so I could print, this came to me…


Awww! That appeals! :smile:





Thanks. It was a fun (& obligatory) thing to do back when the number of GFs in the wild was small. Don’t see many people doing escutcheons now. :frowning:


Unfortunately, I now have to. I can only work on my GF over the weekends. I have to figure out how to fit it in.

I’m leaning towards insects on a flower…

There are some great designs here. Not just in this thread either. There was an Iron Man one recently that was quite good (covered half the side glass).

You could do a daisy or similar with some bees or butterflies…that would be sharp.

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I’m a bit of an insect, spider arthropod, lepidopterist, buzzing, crawling geek. :honeybee: :beetle: :lady_beetle: :spider: :butterfly: