The Saga of Mellow

Or how often they change the design to “make it better” and then eff the entire thing up. These guys would have (based on their early reports if they are to be believed) been fine had they not embarked on version 2.2. Or kept changing manufacturing partners. Or added complex stretch goals.

I didn’t back for the hardware, just a pledge to support the project. (I have a lot of lasers already :slight_smile: ). That’s unusual though, most of the things I backed I ordered something.


I backed them to support the project but didn’t order the hardware.

One of the ones I’m still waiting for is the Two Guys SpaceVenture video game. This was created by the guys that did Space Quest for Sierra Online years ago.

Estimated delivery: Feb 2013

They’ve had a number of issues, but the project isn’t dead yet. From their July update:
“We know you all are ready for a release date. We’ll have that out as soon as we can. As you can probably imagine, we are hesitate to throw out another release date.”

Bummed that that Matchstick - The Streaming Stick Built on Firefox OS failed - they DRMed themselves to death by trying to add more and more features.

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Yeah, it’s been a long wait. But it’s been so long since the Space Quest games, I can wait a little longer. :slight_smile:

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Me too. I went into it for the nostalgia. It was only $15

i’ve been mostly successful on kickstarter and indigogo. i’ve had one tank (Qube light bulbs) and am still waiting on one delayed one that’s finally starting to ship (lampster). a few have been less than expected, but most have at least met expectations.

hopefully the two crowdsource things i’m still waiting on (GF and lampster) will both make me happy.


Guess what showed up on my doorstep today…


BACON!! (sorry, that’s another thread)

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A Mellow?

Every time this topic pops back up, I get this song stuck in my head.

I have backed a lot of things, mostly board games. They are typically on schedule, though one I backed recently had to switch manufacturers and is now delayed four months. (Dragoon expansion).

The worst ones are software, movies, and independent entities.

Here are a couple of examples…
Software: Jay and Silent Bob video game. A year behind right now and won’t be out until next year sometime.

Movies: Earbuds: A Podcast Documentary. This one ended up about a year behind schedule. Essentially it seemed like they used all the money to film and had to find more to edit/distribute. It’s a good documentary though.

Independent Entities: I backed a Magic: the Gathering podcast once… and not one of the uber-popular ones either. The whole project made about $14k, and was being fulfilled by a single individual. It got to be a real chore listening to that podcast every week and having to hear about the guy’s personal problems and why he was delayed, etc… Anyway, that one was delayed about a year as well.

I have been pretty lucky though. Every crowdfunded thing that I’ve backed has delivered… or is still in process. I’ve never had one say “sorry, we took your money but we’re out!”

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Epilogue: Even Dreams Can Come True


What’s that you’re cooking?

It’s called a egg. Comes from a chicken.


No, man.
Eggs become chickens.



Not the ones in there!


Awesome Gif, Great Job!

I have backed only one project and I am very happy to say that I have. Other that it being almost two years and some minor software issues that have work arounds. I have only had it for a little over a week and I must say it is a very impressive machine. Thank you Dan for building the Glowforge!