TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey at work?
This way lies madness…
My curb’s house numbers are in Comic Sans. Cut out of black/white PG acrylic on my Glowforge. Replaced the badly weathered 3D printed ABS ones—that a street sweeper finally destroyed.
I know it drives some drivers crazy—Comic Sans Road Rage!
(See photo below)
My son did this to me years ago… All sites defaulted to comic sans. Ugh.
Love that kid!
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Not soon enough!
@evansd2 really loves to tweak your typographic sensitivities. Cracks me up at your expense. Sorry.
Its beautiful!
He ha ha…I actually like it like this with the Papyrus, not the comic sans…!!!
#sorrynotsorry if I influenced the Papyrus. Not even a little bit.
I did something on the forge in Papyrus… my wife gave me the evil eye and a lecture on good typography…
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