Threes Card Game Box

A relative is retiring so as a congratulations present I threw together a game box of his favorite family card game “Threes” (Complete Game Rules for Three Thirteen) I believe the game is actually called 313, but we’ve sort of made it our own in the family…The game requires several decks of poker cards to play with a big group so rather than having to dig through a junk drawer I decided to make this slick box.

The box has a locking mechanism on the lid, simply twist the ‘3’ knob to unlock.

I’ve also included my inkscape svg if this does anything for anyone…enjoy!



Thank you for sharing, wonderful design and story!


How sweet it is to be able to conceive of, and render a customized gift so quickly. Nice touch with the locking mechanism! :sunglasses:


The locking mechanism is intriguing! Very nice job. Your relative is going to love it. And thanks for sharing the file.


Nice! I love the “3” closure. Thanks for sharing!


Love the locking mechanism! Very nice design! Thank you so much for the file!

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I am sure it will be well appreciated.

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What a neat gift! I love the design. You did a great job on this!~

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