0.25” fluorescent blue acrylic, 0.625” walnut, 0.125” figured maple
A gift for an avid reader friend, I’ve been looking at these for a while and thought they’d be a good laser project. I cut the layers, glued them up with clear resin, then sanded the wood to 320 grit, continuing through 2500 grit for the acrylic to make it transparent. Finished with satin wipe- on polyurethane.
The box is two different colors of card stock, a rhombic box from https://templatemaker.nl
I made a foam insert for the book holder out of headliner material, it’s just cloth faced foam.
I was trying to figure out how it worked, and how one might make something like that to hold a tablet. As it turned out I could not use that design at all but it inspired one that will.
They are so nice you either never show yours to the friend or make a third one the equal of yours. If your friend saw that one they might feel bad about the one they got from you.