Tile box gift

Based on the tile box file posted here in the forum. I modified it to fit the 4 in. tile and I made the lid lip a little longer (and scalloped). I used a lasertile for the image in my :glowforge:. I did first use my regular HD tile with sharpies and I didn’t like it as much (could have probably tweaked it , but remembered I still had some lasertiles so I used one of those.). The box is with walnut :proofgrade:

This was the image on reg. tile


i like that scalloped lid edge. something i need to keep in mind going forward if i do more of those.


Wow, that laser tile really made the details pop. Great project!


Yeah, it really does pop with the darks. :grinning:


Just curious if anyone else made many of these tile boxes? What method did you use to glue on the top “frame”? I first tried wood glue, apparently it has literally NO adhesion between the cut edges of the lid sides and the finished :proofgrade: of the frame top. I finally picked up some contact cement, used as directed and it appears to work like a charm (just be sure to center before attaching when using contact cement)


this is what i used. also put a little on the bottom of the tile to stick it to the lid to keep it from having any movement.



Oooo, nice box! The scalloped edge gives it a cool look.

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Really a fine job.

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I did not see what wood you used. Was it plywood? Very interesting also to have a boxed tile fit over a box bottom and all the more so with the design of valences, the very name setting off a great Google rabbit hole of ideas for the future.

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This turned out really nice!

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This is beautiful!! How do you extend the lip of the box top and scallop it??? I love this design :heart_eyes:

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