Top-Down Footprint Requirement

This is my installation. 500 lb.capcity glides, $80. Dont have a link handy, but they are heavy, thought there must have been 2 sets in the box. There is a pic around here of me sitting on the shelf. I’m 175 and the forge is 55 - they could hold both of us.
I used a 3/4 piece of Baltic birch with a 2" apron of oak glued and screwed front and back underneath. Glides mounted to the edge of the birch with 2 1/2"#10 wood screws, 3 per side.

I couldn’t possibly be any happier with it, I have zero room for any more tables or benches. I also have one of those rolling hospital bed tables that I mounted a 3 x 4 surface on that rolls under a bench. Big enough for the laser, but not strong enough for my tastes. It does a fine job of holding stacks of material though.

My Dropforge rolls out on ball bearings and tucks away completely under the workbench. I did have to talk myself into the $80 glides, but this thing is worth thousands - and I’m taking no prisoners. I want more. As @Jules said “I have to clean this place up, there’s pieces of wood everywhere” Seriously, you will need surface area for working.
I have 5 more pieces of that birch, and at least one of them will be mounted a couple of inches below another bench for pull out work space that I can tuck away as well.