It seems that most people use the freely available data and tools and roll their own . That can be a steep learning curve. Some people have mastered it and are using it to leverage a business.
I should do that. But until then, perhaps this topic can give you some hints and an expert. I’ll search through some old topics for other references for you.
… and it is amazing.
Trevor Crosta is a member of our makerspace here in Bend, Oregon, as well as a volunteer. He has been excited about making things on the Glowforge since before it arrived, and he put his passions into creating these topographic trail maps.
In Central Oregon there is an active outdoor hiking community and plenty of trails to hike or bike on. For some people these activities can be very important parts of their lives, so it made sense to Trevor to create beautiful wooden top…
Duffs in Londen created this coffee table that just a giant elevation map. Though the glow forge couldn’t do the scale (unless you pieced it) I like the way they used acrylic with the wood. Has an incredible effect. Wonder how well it would downscale.
ocean coffee table