Has anyone else noticed the treble heart earrings charm set just released in the catalog features the sign for the bass clef? is treble if my emoji didn’t change and the c is bass.
There’s not a whole lot of quality control in the catalog these days.
I see that, too. I’m guessing it was mis-labled when it was published. That designer is a member here…@neferene1. She might be able to talk about that more.
At Christmastime there were some holly earrings labeled as Mistletoe. I reported it but it was never changed.
There is a link down at the bottom where you can report the design. I used that about the holly earrings, but nothing was done about it.
It’s good you noticed it.
I’ll contact Glowforge and have it corrected. Thanks
Added update:
Here is an updated pic that I sent to glowforge. I hope this helps to clear up the confusion.
I sent them a few pics. They just labeled it wrong. I’ll contact them and let them know.
Thanks for the heads up.
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