Tunes from Laser Cutting

I hope this is not a side effect of being isolated! I swear my laser was cutting today and I heard tunes coming from it?? I searched the forum and found only one post but it showed only other lasers doing this. Is anyone else noticing this?! I am amazed by this and just have to share :slight_smile:


Now I have images of my GF breaking out into some AC/DC while cutting.


I think what you are hearing is the stepper motors. Cut a circle and listen to the motors change frequency as they ramp from fast to slow.


Yes it was when I was cutting the ovals :laughing:


this becomes more obvious when you get an external fan and turn off the noise from the main exhaust fan.


Ok good to know, I started drinking bloody mary’s and thought, hmmmm…


the stepper motors can be quite musical, especially when the internal exhaust fan is disabled when the external air filter is attached.

You may still be at risk of being stir crazy, but no more than the rest of us.


That is so cool.

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Lookup the Floppotron videos on Youtube.


That is AWESOME! Who sits and figures all that out? Is it the ribbon making the noise or the wheel? I don’t get it :smile:

I have several recordings of my old makerbot cupcake 3D printer singing “songs”. most of it sounds like 90’s industrial techno :smile:

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If you hear it making music, you don’t need to worry. But, if it starts talking to you, that’s another thing entirely.


Who’s going to be the first to post a design that actually plays a song while it’s cutting?

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Here is a fun link:

Back in the day of drafting pen plotters you could really hear the steppers playing…

Have to create a job with specific lines of a certain length at discrete speeds to make the notes. Probably simple to do…

Then I know I drank too much or the isolation is getting to me!

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I was cutting about 40 tiny holes in a board. My machine sang to me.


I started writing the imperial death march but got bored after the first few seconds. I wouldn’t be able to share it anyway, as we can’t export print settings. Might make a cute video at some point…

I have a spreadsheet of frequencies and speeds for each axis using audacity spectrum plotting, hugely incomplete (due to said boredom…)


It’s the motors. They turn in tiny steps, and that can make a vibration in the range of human hearing. They program them to run at the right speeds for the right time, and voila.

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I like to listen to the machine and guess which part of the design it is cutting from the noise of the stepper

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