Turning a hand written pdf into engravable vector>>>uughhh!

@Jules I have to say Thankyou again! She absolutely LOVES IT. I atleast owe you pictures! Tomorrow I am HOPEFULLY going to get to go play for a few hours, and I am writing myself a reminder to take pictures with my phone of the print. She absolutely loves it! Honestly, Thankyou.

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@bansai8creations I am not sure. But, I will tell you That I have watched a couple of videos on YouTube. And have yet to finish one yet, on my own. I decided to hold off on trying to learn how (until I am more familiar w/ adobe)since @Jules uploaded the file herself and pretty much did all of the work I needed done, HERSELF. Without any asking. Completely went waaaay out of her way, and completely far above and beyond, and cleaned it up, and probably took an extra 3 days off of my back! Man what I would give to have a young, fresh brain w/ all of this shenanigan! I would have already been a round the blocks a few times! In a much shorter time frame!! Haha

@ekla which part is simple? The process as a whole? Or saving? Because me oh my… I spent hooouuurrrsss on adobe before @Jules walked in my life!!! Man, I envy your brain. For making any of this designing software being able to be labeled as “simple”! Can I purchase you as a teacher for a week?! Pretty please!!! Ah ha ha! Simple has definately not been in my vocabulary but a select few times since glowforge plopped it’s but down in my living room! Fun? Definately. But it is a fun that is very much worked and slaved for!! (For me atleast)! My husband keeps saying… “It’s a shame you can’t find someone that knows their stuff that is willing to make a week, or two, or three weeks pay check! Just teach you how to do all they possibly can! And you put them on payroll!” And let me tell you. I certainly have looked. Near and far! Thought about taking a class. If I didn’t have the girls, I would. But it just :honeybee: ‘s that way. :wink:

:slightly_smiling_face: In that post I was referring to extracting the jpg out of the PDF (you just open the pdf file with PS and at the pop up window choose “images“ instead of “page”)

As for fixing a scanned recipe, every scan is different. Most cases changing the mode to grayscale then using a combination of the levels and curves (better as layer effects, more adjustable ) will do the trick. The fine-tuning magic can be done using the dodge and burn tool.

If the scan is low res then upresing (using “image size”) can help to get a cleaner result as it gives you more pixels to work with.

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I love you guys. I do. Its true!

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I know you’ve had your questions answered, but for the benefit of anyone else, you can open PDF directly in Gimp, and I assume also PhotoShop. You could then adjust the levels directly then save out in JPG to upload to the GF UI - which is what I’m sure Jules did.


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