Anyone in the Edmonds, Wa area that’s available for tutoring a brand new Glowforge owner?
There’s an awful lot of stuff you can learn right here for free… You’ll probably get a lot out of this.
Truly, just read, read, and read some more. Then start giving things a try You’ll make mistakes but you’ll learn a lot from those! Everyone here is really helpful when you have questions too.
@kingjazz , it is great that you are on the forum, you will undoubtedly be overwhelmed by how large the forum topics are but the more familiar you become the easier it will be to find almost anything. The people on the forum will become friends that have an endless source of knowledge that will benefit you whenever you get into trouble. Read over the rules so you know where to post different topics and to not ask for files. There are a ton of files for free in the free files section, so welcome aboard and get to reading.
thanks for the help!
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