Using Gimp as Cool Tool

In addition to johnse’s comments, note that companies do care about people who have the current version. Because they want to sell them the next version as well. So they actively ask current users what features they want so the company can hopefully incorporate those features and sell them the next version. Which is not to argue which is better, Open Source or commercial software, just to point out that companies have a financial interest in expanding their customer base.


Double down on Irfanview as well. I often could bring up Irfanview do the job and bail out before another program even loaded. For managing large numbers of image files I have not found better. It is Ironic to remember that the cat logo originally had a tire track across it as “road kill on the information highway” as so many folk downloaded it that it needed a better server, as it was the best available for the job at the time

Of course, Blender is also a major player.

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As one who has built a career working in Autocad, and one of the rare users with good ability in LISP I did build those quick commands that a single letter accomplished in seconds what others spent many minutes to accomplish the same thing, and yet even with all that customizing coming back to it after working in Blender was quite an eye opener with how clumsy it felt.

I have seen as many things I wrote years before have become surpassed by standard commands today. Some are better and some are overkill providing widgets of rare need that only complicate the use, and I have gone back to the old scripts but mostly the new updates become a means of maiming what was sold before, without adding a lot of value. Once everything is working well, the need for updates is diminishing returns, and when it wasn’t the hype exceeded what was delivered, but that is the business model.

Where folk make improvements based on their own needs, the need is real, and far more folk are working on those improvements than could ever be hired where that software has reached a critical mass of users.

Awesome find! Thanks for sharing.

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This makes the line by line snapping to grid for my bookmarks in Illustrator look like time was really wasted. I’ve got to try this.

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Starting with the Gimp resultyou can even do this…