UU Chalice Ornament!

I’m visiting my in-laws this weekend and so I wanted to bring a gift to show off the new job. They are Unitarian Universalists and the main symbol they use is the chalice. Last weekend I took an image of the flame and bowl portion, traced it in Illustrator (and modified a bunch of curves in the result to suit my taste) added the double rings and added a hole to hang it. Last night during Laser Thursday I printed it!

The negative space pieces are actually pretty amazing as well so I might cut something else to make a backing for them.

This is the first time I’ve done any substantial work in a drawing tool like Illustrator that isn’t just squares and other boring simple things.


That came out well - what sort of wood is it?

Oh, forgot that part! It’s padauk which we usually have around (@dan’s suggestion) already with contact paper on it. My parents-in-law already having it hanging on the wall. :slight_smile:

It looks even better in person!

Maybe it is just the resolution on my computer, but Padauk is usually a much deeper Red?

It’s pretty red in person so the lack here is probably just the light and my camera. They were taken with my iphone under kind of dim but yellow light (two different yellow lights actually).

It also varies a lot from tree to tree.

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This is gorgeous! I teach a UU Coming of Age Sunday School class and one of my co-teachers had our students design chalice ornaments and earrings for laser cutting as a holiday fundraiser this past year – got a huge response from the congregation. I don’t have pics of the students’ work, but I’ve got one I designed lying around here somewhere – I’ll see if I can dig it up and take a pic of it.

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I looked and couldn’t find any of the students’ designs, but here’s a pic of two that Lauren (my co-teacher) and I did – the one on the left is made from the negative offcut of a chalice ornament, glued onto a backing piece, and the one on the right was a not-fully-successful test print of my design (the interior cuts didn’t quite go all the way through on it so the chalice and smoke didn’t pop out). Both are cut out of pretty cheap material (got it as offcut trash from the scene shop at my work), but it works for ornaments at least (though the staples I found embedded inside some of the material were rather eyebrow-raising).