Variable Power Grayscale Engraving?

It does in the fact that 340 is the only really viable lpi right now. I dont think any of the higher ones work. I can do less, but I really wouldnt want to…


There’s a lot of speculation in this thread that’s not quite right, but clarifying them would get deep into the details of how we do accomplish some of the magic that we do. To answer your question at face value, no, I don’t think there are any settings that you haven’t found right now.

We’ve got a lot of improvements planned for raster quality, and if you’re prints are coming out in a way that you’re not happy with, we’d love to hear about it. If you haven’t already, please send us pictures of the effect you’re trying to achieve or eliminate through the usual request/bug channels.


I’m really happy with the changes you guys added in on this one. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the old PRUs can’t do “map power to grayscale” right? I tried a bunch of times but it appears it’s just on or off on my PRU.


Can you create a new thread to ask? I don’t know and they won’t see it if it’s a necrothread here. :slight_smile: