Beautiful!! I need to post pics of my ducks some day, too…
A friend of mine went on an Elk hunt a few years ago. He and his father both got one, and I got to share in a good bit of the meat , but he decided to do a shoulder mount with his. It was so big his wife wouldn’t let him bring it in the house
Client of mine has her dad and husband who hunt and the number of mounted animals (size and types) are so large and many that the wives have told then NOT in our house.
So in their work offices is a maze of full mounts and wall mounts that get to be creepy at night when I work in their areas when turning off the lights and trying to leave their offices.
They should put some LEDs in those eyes
Now I am really getting freaked out at that idea.
They have some pretty exotic full mounts (crocodile and hyena)…
That’s what he did, but then he sold his business so now it sets in their living room. Wife still isn’t happy
I felt like a person describing their business as ‘Very Modern’ seemed anachronistic enough to fit well in a Victorian inspired sign. I am happy you can see my influences.
My uncle gave me one of his skeet…or trap… I forget which, trophies years ago. Stuffed pheasant. I am too much an animal lover to really enjoy it so it sits way up high in an out of the way spot collecting dust. I really need to sell it to someone who would admire and take care of it. Or maybe just give away now, who knows how bad off it is
If you want to clean it up (before you get rid of it, or whatever), bread works really well on feathers.
One of life’s fascinating facts I shall now never forget. Now, how do I tie a shoelace again?
Taxidermy is alive and well in MO. There is a school nearby that fires up in the new year and does well. Lots of deer and turkey to process. I know a few trappers too. One day I went to my pickup after church and found a deceased bobcat in the bed. The guy asked me to deliver it to his dad since I’d be driving right by the farm on the way to my next service.
Just finally catching up on old posts…this is what finally got my son to be able to tie his shoes at 9yrs old.
Many kids with high funtioning autism struggle with fine motor skills. We just bought slipons or velcro shoes until a friend mentioned this technique.
He saw it once and has been tying his shoes ever since. He now teaches other kids how to do it…