So I’m working on making some Warhammer themed stuff doing a bit of hybrid cross over crafting with this one. Resin, air brush, and then engraving with glowforge. For those who are fans (I’m extremely new to Warhammer myself) this is Catiousprime, it’s a joke space marine that one of my supervisors at work is gonna love
This is printed at a 500% scale, and it’ll be my first model airbrushed. I’m also going to make him a dogtag with a custom Marine logo that I generated as well.
I’m confused, because that looks way too large to fit into a GF.
As to material, resin is just a generic term for a mix of materials. Acrylic sheet is resin, for example. But so are many forms of vinyl. Some are fine for the laser, some will destroy it.
If you’re only asking about the dog-tag, what material do you plan to use?
My husband and his friends play Warhammer occasionally. (They have been playing for decades.) Anyway, he’s getting our son into it. He just made a whole ogre army for him for Christmas, some with the Bambu and some with the resin printer.
What part of your design was done with the Glowforge? I started to work on some things for them a while back but didn’t end up doing anything so far.
The part I’ll be working on tomorrow is the glowforge part, but I’m trying to figure out if there’s other elements to what I should add to it or anything. There’s so much lore for Warhammer I can’t even fathom it lol