Wedding Box Gift

My friends had a wedding a month ago so I made them a post-wedding-gift/Christmas-present.

It’s birch plywood with some wood stains. There’s a lot in this project that I haven’t really done before (including sharing on the forum) so it was somewhat chaotic.

A first time also taking final shots of my work, also figuring out dealing with lens distortion I guess. The box is a straight vertical.

The birch is stained two main colors, and the engravings have black acrylic paint filled into them.

There are 2 pictures on the left and right side. They’re pictures of the wedding, laser printed and transferred to birch using polyacrylic.

The inside has a bottle of rum in it. The dimensions of the project are originally based off the dimensions of the bottle I decided to get - important decisions were taking place at the liquor store! The top and bottom have a cork patterned lining.

The back. It needed something on it, so… football stuff.

A picture of the top before it was assembled. In general, everything involved a lot of hammering wood into wood, but especially the top. The red is acrylic paint.

The bottom, gotta tag it and remind people to support American manufacturing!

And a semi-constructed photo. The joints are strong enough that taking them apart will rip the plywood (although I also glue the insides anyways for good measure), so it’s a little nerve wracking the farther you get in to it knowing if you break anything, you essentially also ruin everything that’s connected - including loosing the time to stain and transfer photos.

Also, if anyone’s got advice on getting consistent stains and hiding burn marks on birch - please share, I’m all ears!


Yeah, this is a pretty decent project! Dig that double walled design.

The only advice I’ve got is using some masking such as this:

There are a ton of discussions on sourcing masking outside of Amazon, so definitely give that a search if you’re wanting more options :+1:t4:


This is a lovely and so very detailed design! Thank you for sharing your work with us.

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Very thoughtful gift.

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Great design and very classy wine gift box.

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I am so glad you shared this project and write up with us. There were so many places that this could have gone wrong, but everything worked out and the box is lovely. I know your friends will treasure it long after the rum is gone. I think shopping by bottle dimension is a new one for me at the liquor store. Usually I just judge by pretty labels.


There results look fantastic! What software did you use for construction your design? I can appreciate how much effort goes into something like this, I’m sure it was rewarding and will be cherished.


Thanks! I’ll try it out.

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I has some initial dimensions and sketches on paper, and then it’s all Inkscape afterwards.

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An exceptional personalized gift! :star_struck:

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Burn marks just give it that “rustic” look. :smiley:

Awesome project. Love it.

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I like the burn marks on most of my projects… very few will I completely mask off.

This project is beautiful, @reavenk. Can’t imagine anyone not being absolutely thrilled to get this. Nice work!

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