Well it was a great weekend returning strong with all the sewing I love and also brining in the glowforge. All outfits were sewn from scratch. The projects were suede based. One had the suede glowforged with the passthrough before I sewed them in and the other was a dress I made where the suede was glowforged after.
Before I get to the results, I have many dogs. One dog especially likes to photobomb and he is just his own level.
So here are the results of the design where I glow forged and then sewed (the glowforge engraved the eagle wing design)
Andddd here is Thorin again. FYI, Thorin has figured out that if he sneaks around back and busts through your legs and then sits down, then he basically has locked you in and you temporarily cant go anywhere.
I love the dresses! They look amazing on you. I love the last picture of Thorin. There is something very human about his pose in there… like an old black and white where the poses are exaggerated. I don’t know, but in that photo alone, I know I love him.