Well THAT'S new

That was not there last night.

Looking forward to seeing your thoughts.

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Wow. This is a big leap today. I am more eager than ever to get my forever unit. Looks like I’ll have to try this out on my old PRU and see what happens. That will be interesting.


I think it is just to make it appear like magic and make it as hard possible to transfer settings from other types of machine and make up your own settings for non PG materials.

It means the literal, so when somebody asked how long a job might take I was able to give a reasonable estimate. If a particular power and speed cut to a certain depth then doing two passes at twice the speed will give a similar depth with less char. Similarly twice the power will be approximately twice as deep. These things won’t be exact but are a starting point if you want to effect a change.

On the other hand the only advantage of the obfuscated scales is they start and end with nice round numbers like 1000 instead of 335.

Sorry. That makes no sense to me. What do they gain from not letting you learn from other lasers? I still think it more likely that the way they found to do the extremely light engraving broke the logical method you suggest.

It seems you may be under the impression that this is a disguised way to sell proofgrade materials, which is off the deep end of conspiracy theories, in my view.

Edited to add, time will tell. I think your curiosity as to why it isn’t simple should be a relatively easy answer, and there’s no good reason why it shouldn’t be answered.


Nice! I was just looking at a post in Lastest Improvedments on this morning.
@Tom_A, here is a conversion sheet for power settings that was there…


so pretty


This is Awesome! Very excited to try out some of the greyscale engraves!

On the other hand, I do agree with @palmercr. This is especially frustrating when I’m trying to match settings from academic papers. How would I translate these settings for non-Glowforge users? 100 Glowspeed (4in/min).
It would be nice to have the option to see the speed and power in standard units, as well. @dan Hopper?


Oh wow, this looks amazing! I had to remove some of my products that I offer recently because they had reduced the range of grayscale that the unit was able to produce, but now it looks like that all might be back in, and way more! Oh I cant wait. I might even have to ship a few customers some upgraded pieces.

This looks amazing! I just said that. Cant wait to try it out!!!


I think that the old IPM scale may have gone away because it wasn’t necessarily true. To me, at least, there appeared to be some dependence still on the width of the area being engraved.

I’m coming mostly from the vector side, where on images with a lot of tight curves and short lines the head almost never gets up to the requested speed. But I think that may be partly true of raster as well.

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That was not there at noon.

Pretty cool stuff.


Just my 2¢ on the change from inches per second to an arbitrary speed value…

When Glowforge 2.0 comes out, will it be the same slowness as 1.0, or will it be faster? I’m hoping it will be faster… so does this mean we will get a new speed scale for 2.0?


Oh boy! New toy! :smile:

seahorse 2


That pic makes me want a Reese’s Cup.


Soooo uh, what the heck do these new settings mean? Is there a conversion we can do? I spent a good amount of time and material testing settings.

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They really need to spend some time on the web page, can we get a patch notes and link to the store? :smiley:

If you look at the spread sheet it is just a linear conversion from the old lowest cut setting of 4 is now 100 and the highest old setting of 157 is now 500. Same thing for the engraves 4 to 355 is now 100 to 1000.


You mean 197?