What does Glowforge have to say about this review?

@benwalker: Just to address a specific question, the warranty starts from the time of delivery. Also, thanks for the kind words… sort of? : ) I’m an engineer by training so the whole “shrewd marketer” thing feels like you’re talking about someone else. I’m lucky to have some amazingly talented co-workers who I get to design things with, who then make those things look really, really good. The screwups are on me; the credit goes to them.

Speaking of screwups, I’m happy to answer specific questions, but to the general “what do I think of the review”: I think he was fair, and I feel like crap about it. We had things go wrong on Saturday and the writer saw all of them, and wasn’t there Sunday when we got things fixed. I don’t blame him for coming to the conclusions that he did. We’d been doing nonstop demos for two weeks prior, we ran a Glowforge all night at Makercon and did 150 prints on Sunday, but on Saturday we blew out two of our three machines in the first five minutes and had to shut everything down until we figured out the problem and fixed it. I feel terrible for the people who came to see us Saturday and didn’t get to watch the machines in action. (If you’re curious, video from sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tIbC1iNrMU)

Happy to explain any details that people are curious about, just ask.