What is the current workspace size, is it 11 or 11.5 inch?

what is the current workspace size, is it 11 or 11.5 inch?

Official forum posts in December 2017 mention an increase to 11.5 for cutting?


I believe it’s about 10.9something inches. Not quite 11.

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Bed size adjusts dynamically to the function and speed and will even grow a bit here and there as they improve the algorithms.
I think the best I’ve gotten is right at 11 for a cut.

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It’s been about a year since the company claimed the workspace would be increased to 11.5" X 20.4" through S/W improvements. Hasn’t happened yet and haven’t heard the claim repeated since that time. But the specs on the main site were changed to indicate 11" x 19.5" max size.


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