Isn’t that exactly what has happened? However they heard it on this forum , via Facebook, via Makerfaire, or some other way. They don’t have the full message directly from Glowforge confirming that yes the July deadline is still a go, everything is looking great with answers to some expected questions. So the speculation, questions and expressions of disappointment began. Control the message and reassure with an email to all owners. Again, the opinions expressed here are solely those of the author… :wink:


As someone I’ve recently discovered has a habit of saying, “As it turns out, facts don’t care about your feelings.” Kinda lined up with how, ironically, I’ve always felt: Dreams and wishing is nice and so are goals, but be realistic about which is which and you’ll be much happier(and sometimes pleasantly surprised too).


The big courier company would just send more one truck in a day or send next day. They have it to a science. I used to buy the materials to build the green Coin sorting machines and that was 53 foot trailer plus courier trucks. Glowforge machines are a piece of cake if they use UPS or Fedex


Quite often, folks are committed to making stories that conform to their particular world view and personal take on life. If someone believes that answer Z is the only thing that will assuage their personal feelings of suspicion intrinsic to their worldview and understanding of how life works, and if they do not get answer Z, then their world view (often times that they are being cheated or lied to or mislead or misused in some fashion) is confirmed. The story has served its purpose, and though negative, confirms the outlook on the world. That there are responses from A to Y is often dismissed or overlooked because those too might be equally valid, but shake the foundational story.


From the Chive


I’m on the Megabus back to LA after my first Maker Faire. I got to shake Dan’s hand and hear him say he can’t wait to deliver my Glowforge to me. I got to see the thing in the flesh and speak with excited users who had limited function betas. Macphee who’s been doing awesome stuff has never seen the hi-res camera working. Yves was beaming with pride at the work his wife had done with a pre-release. He shared maintainance stories and gave me an insider engraving sample that was mind-boggling in it’s detail.

I heard the words, “we’re shipping” and didn’t know what that meant for my October 20th 2015 order. My cell was dead so I couldn’t check my email. I didn’t get the letter. That led to disappointment after the show.

Then I thought about what else I’d seen. Full Spectrum Laser running “Cancel Your Glowforge” specials that cost $1400 more than what I paid before shipping and external water pump. For those interested, may I point you to this review? Muse Review Be sure to check out the comments and the follow up videos he’s posting. It’s an evolving story.

As I ride back to LA, I realize how important it was for the company to announce the Glowforge is shipping The hounds are at the gate. Glowforge has taken shots for it’s “3D Printer” marketing and wrongly blamed for that unfortunate Berkeley couple’s death. Carbon-Monoxide DeathsThey need this, no matter how limited that run may be.

I’m looking at my personal delay as a gift. More free proofgrade and more time to get real about upping my illustrator skills. And more time to make the device delivered all it can be, instead of a rushed to market tool with promises of updates.

I think Glowforge is the white wizard of laser cutters. Expect it, when you see it.:sunglasses:


Great write-up! I would say you should make a new thread with this.


It is largely the distinction between:

Glowforges are shipping! Mine will come soon!


Glowforges are shipping! Why am I not getting mine immediately?


Wow, glad I watched, makes me feel way better about the GF purchase (and of course having a PRU cemented it). That just doesn’t seem ready for prime time. Seems like an early PRU (or more like a early beta). And having internal cooling and ventilation fans is so convenient.


Interesting that in the Muse review the best compliment he had for the Muse was its appearance which is a blatant copy of the Glowforge.
As I watched it there were so many comments he made that make glad I’m getting a Glowforge, particularly his comments on support.


And what’s up with the cutting order on that piece of cardboard he ran? If you had an intricate design or a whole bunch of parts ganged up on one run, that would triple the amount of time it takes and cause more wear on the mechanical parts. Those parts are not going to last forever, may as well maximize them as best as possible!


Just as you said. We are close to the finish line, just a little more time. :slight_smile:


It’s all downhill from here. If that avatar is a Robotech Ghost Rider, you are my personal hero!


You mean a ‘Lucky Git’ or ‘Jammy B*stard’ status? Yeah, why not! :wink:


:smile: it’s something like that, but yes it’s Robotech :wink:


My Glowforge is never late, nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.


I’m within an hour of the factory… I thought maybe that might get us a prerealease unit but I feel like cinderella no book no nothing :crying_cat_face:


send a message to support and let them know if you didn’t get a book, I think they can still get you a digital copy.


So are you naming your GF Gandalf?


The book was a holiday gift for backers in 2015… but our support team is pretty awesome and can hook you up anyway. :slight_smile: