Good morning everyone!
After my last project of framing the chocolate fox head, it was time for me to start thinking about a new edible project for Creativa ( a Belgian Arts & Crafts fair). I really thought last year that it was time for me to hang up, after 5 years in a raw participating to the so famous Salon du Chocolat fashion show, so i politely declined this year’s invitation. But guess what, the Belgian Arts & Crafts fair was not that different… they asked to create again a new edible dress… oh damn i coudn’t say no… i’m a lost cause!
The theme was haute couture and spring. So instead of doing bright colourful flowers during daylight i thought of a moonlight night palette of colours, combined to Japanese ornaments.
I entitled this dress Tsuki no hikari. All the ornaments were cut with my glowforge, then I applied a thin layer of chocolate and hand cut all over. Took ages omg whereas glowforge average to cut a print was 8 minutes it took me at least 1h-ish for each print. As regards the maples leaves, hortensias and magnolias these were made out of wafer paper and airbrushed with edible colors in the same camaïeu as the inner fabric.
Getting my files ready.
The magical moment when you hit the blue botton.
Was just the perfect size to fit the back
Working during my lunch time on this aside project (actually, I’m a full time legal assistant btw)
But also early in the mornings before going to work - time to add the chocolate clay!
Endless took hours to hand cut the chocolate layer - split the work on several days
To act less like an automated robot at 4AM I tried to alternate sewing and cutting.
Almost all fixed - my fingers are on fire!
It’s weekend i can finally work on the wafer paper flowers during daylight
The inner fabric side of the strapeless dress is done so as all the wafer paper flowers
Hope you like the project and how it ended up for a selftaught versatile hobbyist.