When is the GF Pro Shipping

Hey Guys and Gals, I am wondering if anybody knows the timeframe or if there is a delay on Pro models if ordered early?
I ordered a GF Pro back in December 2015 and people who ordered basics in 2016 are getting emails. like all of us, its been a long road to our magic white boxes, Ive been patient as I do agree that id rather have a machine that works to exceed first expectations and intentions of early GF. But its a Pro and ordered in Dec15 what time frame am I looking at?


In the June update there is a timeline showing the Pro shipments start at the end of this month.


You should have received an email with the latest update, you might check your spam/junk folder. The schedule is also posted at the top of this page.

Pros start shipping June 30th.


Thanks Guys, it was in with junk. lets hope I get in before November so I can Glowforge with the best of them!


Be sure to white list @glowforge.com so you don’t miss “the email”.

From @dan June 2017 Announcement:

Glowforge shipments underway, schedule update, and more (June '17):

We’re now shipping production units. We’re incredibly proud of how they turned out. Some of you have yours already. Some of you will get yours ahead of our latest schedule - and, I’m so frustrated to say, some of you will receive yours up to three months later. Our updated schedule for final, production units is:

Now: Glowforge Basic deliveries underway.

June 30: Glowforge Pro shipments start.

September 30: Air Filter shipments start.

October 31: All Basic and Pro orders placed by 10/26/2015 shipped.

November 30: All Basic and Pro orders shipped.

December 29: All Air Filters shipped.

interesting; was this most recent announcement emailed as well? i certainly didn’t get one, not that i’m upset or out of the loop or anything

As you know, most monthly updates are not emailed out but @dan thought this one was significant enough to email to all purchasers.

I think all the ones with changes in schedule get emailed.

That has seemed to be the status quo. Hoping the next emailed newsletter simply says, “All ordered fulfilled!”

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Yes. Pretty important because if you didn’t get it, you’re likely not going to get “the e-mail” either. So you’ll want to check your Spam folder, or any rules you may have, or confirm Glowforge had your correct address.


yes, yes, i did all of that before i said i didn’t get it. strange. my downgrade came through, but all the rest of my emails are only from the forum. i have my hello@glowforge.com emails for referrals and my filter downgrade (last email Mar 10th), and the last email from danshapiro@glowforge.com came in december. nothing in spam. computers are basically voodoo.

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I know with Comcast (in the States) that their default spam filter settings actually delete what they consider spam (and their filtering system seems to randomly decide that large numbers of identical email will get immediately flagged).

Also, some third party spam filtering systems (Barracuda specifically comes to mind) compare emails across multiple email domains (unrelated to each other) and pushes out quick filter commands blocking emails like Glowforge’s. What really sucks is that Barracuda filtering doesn’t always notify the end user that emails have been blocked.

i use gmail on my own domain. not a lot of places for it to go, fortunately, ha.

Does GMail do gmail.ca or (in your case) treat your domain differently (as a gmail.ca) than GMail treats domains that are managed with a gmail.com account?

i have no idea; it’s US-everything, and they aren’t managed with a gmail.com account. it’s managed by my own domain. google accounts don’t have to be gmail.* accounts.

There’s one secret wizard double plus spam avoidance trick: send an email to hello@glowforge.com, support@glowforge.com, and danshapiro.com with a message like “please ignore”.

Sending an email to an address is a good way to whitelist it.



Any way you could send an auto response back to us if we sent an e-mail to the account with a specific subject like “Spam Filter Test”? The response could be as simple as “Working”

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lthe problem with that is at least one is his internal email i think, so that requires setting up filters to account for every misspelling of ignore. :smiley: (also, presumably that third email is supposed to be danshapiro@glowforge.com yes?)

either way, email sent. we’ll see if this changes anything, thanks @dan!

(though truth be told i’m pretty convinced it’s not a typical spam filter issue as that email is nowhere to be found…i wonder if they do any blocking of email that literally never gets into your mailbox? i sort of assumed no since this is technically a business account).

Well he suggested “please ignore”. It could be keyed off that.