When will the store be stocked again?

Does anyone knows when is the best time to shop at the glowforge website. Because the materials are always out of stock anytime I want to shop. I’m i the only one having that issue?

Have you tried setting the email me when available on the products you’re interested in? I did that and it worked great!


Dan covered this in his latest update:

But at the same time that we’ve been having record print volumes, we’ve been having record challenges in keeping Proofgrade materials in stock. Our operations team has been working long hours to keep our factory open, and can no longer travel to meet with suppliers. There’s a global acrylic shortage . Suppliers of wood, leather, and other products are experiencing their own challenges with staffing because of the crisis.

We apologize. We’re working to keep a variety of materials in stock, but we don’t know how soon stock levels will return to normal.


You’re not alone, it’s mostly a pandemic-makes-supply-lines-unpredictable thing. There’s lots of alternatives depending on what you’re specifically looking for and the alert function @Thumper369 mentioned .


No I have not . Thanks for the information.

ok thanks

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