They may be sending instructions via email at the time of shipment, like they did with the PRU’s.
Did he just stick his left hand in the laser?
Ha ive done that a couple times. I had about the same reaction…
sure, me too, but this really should have shipped with the production lasers.
my comment was based on the fact that we have production lasers in users’ hands and it seems like this is still not a thing. i’m not particularly worried about it; i have some experience with these devices, but it does seem like an oversight.
There was a line in my original email that asked me to confirm with a reply that I had read a specific instruction. Not kidding.
Mine too. And the manual for how to use the machine for the PRU unit that I saw was about 20+ pages longer than the manual that got posted on the nets recently.
What got removed was the “How To” information that everyone is looking for. I’m going to bet they just decided to set up a separate training section with the materials from that in it. Probably to be maintained online instead of included with the user manual.
Because that kind of information is not really something that is Glowforge’s responsibility. So they shouldn’t include it in a user manual…it is design related. Has nothing to do with operating the machine…
It’s a fine line to walk…if they talk about it, they will have to take responsibility for answering questions about it…and they don’t have the manpower for that.
So I’m gonna bet it winds up in a separate section. (Just my take on it.)
Based on what I saw in that though, I put together the Laser Design Basics tutorial and the Workflow tutorials. So if you’d like a heads up…you can go read those for now.
The stuff that is missing is not how to design. It is what the machine does with different inputs and how it focuses, etc. Scattered about these forums are things like if you have a vector file it defaults to cut unless it is filled, in that case it defaults to engrave but you can force it to cut and it then ignores the fill. And when it engraves from raster it has as different power scale to engraving from vector.
And people are discussing what sets the focus. Ie. the material thickness seems to set the camera and not the focus, etc.
Stuff like this, which just needs a few pages of user manual to describe what the machine does.
Not much to ask for the most expensive piece of equipment I will own.
I have to wonder if GF thinks these critical details will give them a business advantage if they don’t tip their hand?
You really need to get a life
(In case you were wondering…No **** Sherlock!)
Must how been a tough week for you. You be feisty!!
Welcome back, @jules!
Not back yet…still at mom’s, but I did just finish up with the lawyer, and he went away happy.
(Something unnatural about a happy lawyer…apologies to happy lawyers everywhere.)
Anyway…almost got it wrapped, stock distributions taken, life insurance policies processed for collection, vehicle registrations processed, dogs trained, plumbing repaired, house appraised, accounts closed, POAs set up, IRA converted, quarterly tax payments made…tomorrow we work on a few leftovers and then head back.
Now I can sleep.
I don’t envy you one bit. I have been executor 3 times and hated it. Lots of work and responsibility. I wish yoyo lots of luck and patience with siblings.
I can see that being the case while they were developing the machine knowing that production was years away but not now it is in volume production.
Reviving this thread…Is there still no manual available? I could have sworn I saw something about how to clean / maintain the GF, but for the life of me, I can’t find anything on the website, and no printed manual was shipped to me.