Where to buy acrylic material

Hi everyone! I’m very new to this, just got my machine a week ago. I would like to start making newborn plaques with baby stats when they are first born. Question - where can I find acrylic sheets for printing out names to glue onto a wood plaque. Colors such as silver and gold. Please let me know. Thank you.

Hello, I’m going to move this thread to the appropriate place, since Free Laser Designs is for posting your patterns to share with others. If you use the search function, there have been many discussions about where to find acrylic.

Here is just a result from a quick search:

That being said, I’ve purchased from jpplus.com and https://www.engraving-supplies.com/. But there are a lot of other suppliers and I’ve seen people recommend Inventibles, local shops, and Etsy. Just make sure you look for cast acrylic. I like the going with the ones that make supplies specifically for lasers so I don’t have to worry too much about it being safe to cut or not.

If you hurry, you should be able to buy proofgrade…the only ones out of stock at the moment are Frosted, Lavender, Clear Blue and Black Matte.

There are dozens of acrylic suppliers, but you specifically said you wanted silver and gold - do you mean mirror silver and gold? Using the search function will become your best friend, but for now I suggest: Johnson Plastics Plus, Tap Plastics, Cerulean Tides, Estreet Plastics, Inventables and Trotec.

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yes! thank you so much!!

If your in NYC you can hit up Canal Plastics.

I ordered a bunch of stuff from Inventables.com. Stuff showed up in less than a week. At 12x24, I’m going to have to hack 4" off the ends of all the sheets in order to use them, but the plastic itself looks pretty good. And besides just plain colored Acrylic, I also ordered a couple of “specialty” sheets, one that’s white, but when engraved it exposes blue, and one that’s mirrored (that I think I can cut from the back without a problem, but need to figure that out before I try), and a few sheets with matte finish instead of shiny.

It’s not a usual source, but I’ve found these cheap acrylic mirrors from IKEA cut very nicely. They’re thinner, too, 1.5mm or 1/16”.


Great tip! Now a short drive to Phoenix…

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They do ship!

Yes but I would like to keep my arm and leg. Shipping is the same as one piece of mirror

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So buy 10!

From what I can tell during pandemic Ikea shipping, the ship cost isn’t per item, it’s per how much can they stuff in a box. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, I like to buy in bulk usually but I am running out of room…

Just saying, you’re saving money if you split shipping across multiple sheets!

You just need to come up with projects to use them on.

I am already planning a trip to Ikea downtown to pick one up to play with!

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