Finally getting around to trying engraving on canvas…
4” stretched-canvas frame engraved on my GF Basic. Wanted to try my Spark, but it was too thick to focus, even without the tray.
Finally getting around to trying engraving on canvas…
4” stretched-canvas frame engraved on my GF Basic. Wanted to try my Spark, but it was too thick to focus, even without the tray.
The canvas I had was really thin and it was hard for me to not engrave too much away. If you backlight that are there pinholes or is it still pretty solid?
First look I thgought it was a paper napkin, made more by the thought expressed. A wet napkin might even work.
So true!
Yes, when backlit you can see through parts of the canvas with engraving. This use case won’t be seen that way, so no problems.
Great work! And great saying!
Do you mind if I copy this and display it over my knitting loom? Describes it to a ‘t’!
Not at all - it’s all over the interwebs.
I just bought some small 2" square canvases to put on the easel that @Xabbess designed for the catalog. I am not much of a painter, but this I could try. Thanks for the idea.
Love it!
When I have frames too thick to fit, I just take the canvas off and engrave it. After engraving I staple it back on the frame. More work, but it give you more options.
Great quote…how many times I have experienced that!
Thanks for the first laugh of the day, it is so very appropriate
Thanks; after reading your post, it gives me ‘permission’ to experiment with a similar canvas. Welcome to the community!
What settings did you use?
Welcome to the community!
We’re not allowed to share non-Proofgrade settings in Made On A Glowforge, but you can use the search tool to find lots of discussions on “engraving canvas” dating back to ~2018.
Story of my life, in a nutshell. LOL Thanks for sharing…it’s just so perfect.