Wind up pendulum clock movements

Anyone have a line on something along these lines? The two or three sites I’ve seen for new movements are as much as 180 dollars. That’s the upper end but even the cheap ones are 60-80 dollars. I could eBay actual antique movements all day for 20-50 dollars but would rather get new that I didn’t have to probably work on to get them functional.

Other than making your own, I think you’ve found your answer.

Have you visited local consignment/antique stores? At least you could verify it’s working before purchasing.

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Well I guess it’s all just a matter of how much I want to sell the clocks for. I had a price point in mind that seemed reasonable but if I want genuine ansonia style movements I’m gonna have to up that price I guess.


One of the members here restores clock mechanisms, they may have better info if they spot this thread…


This source has quartz pendulum movements for as low as $14.95:

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They are looking for mechanical, not quartz,

Yeah, just noticed that but it never hurts to put the info in, in case someone else can use it.

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Thanks. I’m probably going to make two different versions. One that’s battery powered and one that’s wind up. The mechanical version will just have to be much more expensive. :slight_smile:

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