This was my first attempt at this wood stocking. This was also my first time weaving. Weaving is not my thing. I was thinking of knitting or crocheting the next one, but have decided on burlap to save time. I can’t wait to see what the burlap looks like. I think it will give it a nice rustic look.
I was originally going to engrave the green and red parts, but that would have been an hour and 45 minute engrave and cut. I am glad cause I think the cut out layered pieces with color make it look better.
Thanks! As soon as I started putting it together, I was like, maybe I should have done 3" on the weave instead of 4". This isn’t stretchy like fabric stocking, though, so I think the 4" is a good size.
The weave was tight with thick yarn, so it ended up very sturdy. I think I may need to add a few lower wood posts when I do the burlap. This design just had the top 2.
This is a very nice first attempt. I agree, swapping the applied name, trim and tree adds a lot to the project, gives it something the engraving could not. I like the idea of using burlap. How would you attach it to the wood front and back?
I am thinking I can add it the same way I did the weave and just sew it on with yarn. I like the way the yarn. looks around the edge. I will post updates on how the burlap turns out.