Wood kitchen match box or bin

Yes. The Diamond matches have a deeper box. So I will have to have two designs. Easy enough. I couldn’t find them to use for dimensions. And the knot might be rough and sturdy enough for a strike anywhere tip. Those types of matches are hard to get in Missouri. I hadn’t even thought of that. Just was thinking about the striker plate and the side slots which are pretty narrow. Thanks again.

Inner box height is 1 and 3/8". Measured by ruler and not calipers, apparently forgot to return my travel set to my carry bag.

Here is the bandsaw this far. Housing left to be done, bolt the motor on and make a stand. Then apply finish and paint. It fully functions right now as is. I hope to make a matchbox with the bandsaw for a prototype.


Looks cool and well made. More than likely an engineering marvel. Make little stuff out of big stuff. Won’t say that the electrical engineer in me doesn’t fear, just a little, bit large moving things. Of course I could return the favor and have you stand near our Lightning generator from the 1934 Worlds Fair. Still works. It’s really cool to throw a bolt of electricity a bunch of feet at an aircraft under test. Scares the bejeezus out of everyone.


Wow. Lightning beats bandsaw like rock crushes scissors. Here is a pic to ease your mind, and my mom’s. Enclosure for the top.